This is a 8"x 10" Scratch Built CNC about 80 % done!

Hi, my is Mike I’m almost 80 years old, so this is a whole new ball game to me. I enjoy making things . This CNC router is my spin on the Longmill, but more like a Shortmill !! It’s made from scratch. The white material is 6mm phenolic, this stuff is lightweight & strong, best of all it was cheap ! As you can see I live in an apartment, I do my machine work at a wonderfull seniors Woodworking Craft Center in Baden. The project is around 80 % done & it’s given me a great deal of enjoyment. I will post more later. Mike


Welcome @cncnewbee, great work! Keep us posted with your progress and what you build!

Very nice work, would be interested in seeing your progression. Thanks for sharing.