Tool Length Sensor GSender and SLB $341 setting


What is the interplay between the Tool Length Setter options in gSender and the $341 firmware setting for grblHAL?

Should I leave $341 set to normal and use the gSender (1.4.7) option for Fixed Tool Sensor?

Should I set $341 to “Automatic Touch off @ G59.3?”

Not sure of the best approach. This is the first time I’ve attempted to set up a Tool Length Sensor.


Still hoping for some input…

gSender currently does not use the grblHAL toolchange routines at all and won’t until a future version. So the answer is at this point the options will do nothing - documentation will be provided when we do implement toolchanging using the native process.

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Thanks for the info.

Yeah John, same answer as Kevin. Sorry for delayed response the direct tickets through email are always our top priority but sometimes Forum response can fall behind if we’re busy. The aim is the try to merge gSender tool change support with grblHAL support in the future but for now it’s still all being handled on the gSender side of things :+1:

No worries! I’m not in a big hurry, nor do I want to clog your real support requests, so happy to wait for answers. Just wanted it not to get lost, thus my little pings every week or so.

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