Tool path question

I have an odd issue with a tool path for Fusion. I have two identical work pieces, one is a copy of the other. There are a bunch of pockets and I select all of them in both work pieces.
When the tool paths are generated, all of the paths for workpiece one are produced but only one out of 7 pockets have paths for work piece two.
I can’t figure out why, on two identical items, some tool paths for one of the two objects are not created. Everything seems identical, I even tried a different (smaller) endmill but no joy. When I select the pockets, Fusion marks each pocket on each work piece but the tool paths are only generated for some of the pockets.
Any thoughts on why this might be happening? I am especially confused why one of the pockets of the second work piece is cut just fine but the others on the same work piece are not. Is there a magic setting someplace that says “don’t generate a tool path for these items?” Is there something about a mirror operation (one piece is a mirror of the other) that might cause Fusion to hickup? The missing tool paths are in the mirrored version of the part.
The error is “no passes to link” which I have seen many times if the tool is too big for example. But in this case the same tool on the same operation with the mirrored part is not working. BTW, the 6 pockets that do not generate tool paths are all patterned (same) pockets but those same pockets work just fine on the first work piece. Is there a way in Fusion to figure out why it decides to not generate the tool path and instead throws an error?

As usual, can you share the file?

Thanks @NeilFerreri ! I decided to go at it after a good nights sleep and I came up with a solution. Apparently, during the setup phase, I selected only a single body out of the two that were present. I can easily recreate that condition. The part that doesn’t make sense in that solution is that one pocket on the second part did get a tool path. For whatever reason, things are working now …
I will write this off to ‘the Fusion Gods having some fun with me’

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