Your cribbage board looks so crisp! Nice job!
I have to work on mine but i like it so far and need better wood.
Your cribbage board looks so crisp! Nice job!
@BigA welcome there sir! Not taking over the post or anything but see a Vikings cribbage board there? Born a Vikings fan. It’s a love/hate relationship for me. Oak or walnut will help, pine is hard to carve with. Once again welcome to the forum!
@BigA I like your cribbage boards as well. I couldn’t make out what it was at first, do to the angle not your craftsmanship, but now that Jake has said Vikings I see it.
I would also like to welcome you to the forum and I look forward to seeing what you make!
Like these, too except I’m a Bears fan, but don’t hold that against me…
@BigA I moved your projects to a new thread, Aaron. That way, both yours and Michael’s will get the attention they deserve.