Weekly Contest Submission "Something made with Acrylic"

Hi All,
Here’s a couple pictures of an award design I made for my friends hunting association.
I used a drag bit on the backside of the acrylic to keep the front facing side smooth. It’s probably obvious, but I also had to reverse the image in my design software so the text would show correctly:)
I used aluminum standoffs to separate the acrylic from the wood and used a v-bit to give some texture to the mountains at the top.
A CO2 laser would have been a more efficient method of creating this but you gotta “use what you got” :slight_smile: The drag bit engraving took a really long time



Looks great! I like the look of the drag bit instead of a laser.

Awesome. another technique I need to look into, someday. I keep seeing new ways to use cnc every day and I love it.