Won't run Gcode file

Gcode created from Vetric Pro 12.010
Longmill running with SuperLongBoard

File attached.

File Loads normally.
Displays properly.
Outlines properly.
Verifys with no errors.

When run the router goes to 0,0, then goes to job start and router is lowered close to surface and then just sits there. No error, it just sits there running.

4 Side-Fingers [Clear]_1-4 Side-Fingers [Clear].gcode (4.0 KB)


Make sure you have GRBLHal checked.


It is checked on the COM port selection in GSender?

Is there somewhere within VCarve or elsewhere in GSender?

Thanks for the response, BTW.

I don’t have a grblHAL board but I think that’s the only place that I have seen to select it in gSender, at the COM port connect place.

I’m looking at your g-code and I don’t see a problem with it but you should use the grbl (mm) post processor in Vectric if your not.

I noticed that your machine seems to be stopping at the first G1 move but I don’t know why.

T1 // select tool 1
G17 // use XY plane
G21 // use mm
G90 // use absolute distance
G0Z20.320 // rapid move to safe height
G0X0.000Y0.000 // rapid move to home
S0M3 // turn spindle on CW with speed 0
G0X20.606Y28.416 // rapid move to start of carve (presumably)
G0Z5.080 // rapid move to 5mm above surface (assuming Z0 is surface)
G1Z-1.587F15.0 // linear move to ~1.5mm below surface with feed rate 15

I have commented the code to show what it means and from what you describe it does everything up to the last line I posted which is the first G1 linear move.

I should mention that I only know a little g-code, what I see looks okay to me but maybe something is missing that I’m not noticing.

Turns out a plunge rate of 15 is ridiculous. Ended up changing the bit parameters to 12000 speed and a plunge rate of 700 and everything seems to be working.

Thanks for the help…

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Right you are! I forgot the units are mm/min in gcode. I’m used to using mm/sec in LightBurn etc.

Glad your up and running.