Y axis jamming when giving coordinates but not while homing or jogging

I tried updating the firmware on my MacBook 14.5 but I got an error so I’m still on 5.0.3. Hopefully that’s not the answer

  1. Firmware version: 5.0.3
  2. Sender: gSender

Steps to reproduce:
type in coordinates of -400, -400 and the x axis moves perfectly while the y stops and grinds. I can move them independently just fine at 4000mm setting and they home simultaneously every time. gSender acts like it moved the y to the correct location but it hasn’t moved but a couple mm.
gSender-firmware-settings-8_6_2024-9_20_17 PM.json (2.8 KB)

I’ll also occasionally get the z axis to only want to move down when positive is pressed. It also makes this grinding noise like it’s struggling. Occassionaly when giving a jog command, the y2 and y1 will fight each other in different directions.

Hi @cncdm, I’m really sorry I just realized your post got no response. Not sure if you ever got this sorted out but first place I’d look at is reducing the motor acceleration values in the Firmware since it sounds like your Y and Z axes are missing steps in certain situations

These settings you can find in the Firmware tool as $120-122