Z antibacklash upgrade?

I got a MK2 30x30 and my Z axis Delrin Anti Backlash Block is nearly wore out. I’ve got a small amount of adjustment left and it’s time to order replacement. My question is for those who have replaced theirs with the new T8 Spring Loaded Anti-Backlash nuts: would you do it again? Are they working out better than the original? EVERY company on Earth will always say their new thing is better than the old thing but I don’t always find it to be true. How are your hands-on experiences?
Thanks in advance.

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I like my spring-loaded anti-backlash blocks on the z and y axis. Not so much the one for x-axis on the T-12 (x-axis on the 30" x 48") unit. I replaced that one for the old style after repeated x-axis stalls.

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I have the Anti-Backlash nut on Z and haven’t experienced any issues.