1.4.4-rc1 jogging

So I downloaded the above release and played around with it.
So it seems the overlapping menus are fixed.
Now problem with jog setting, Iā€™m able to change them in setting then restart gsender everything seems good
But after some time you go back in settings and itā€™s changedā€¦
Also jogging from laptop keyboard is ok if going slow/precise you can hold down the key for continuous jogā€¦
With wireless mouse it will work if you just click and release but it will freeze gsender if button is held down continuously.
Iā€™m not sure if this is the right place for thisā€¦ If not admin. Please move.

Weā€™ve made several improvements to jogging since 1.4.4, could you let me know if you still experience this issue on the latest version of gSender, v1.4.10?


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