1.4.8 "error 1" upon connect

I added an issue in GitHub and posted in Facebook but wanted to cover here since a lot of people seem to be talking about this.

If you’re getting an error with 1.4.8, you should still be able to run the job. I am able to close the error and start the job. It looks like it is happening mostly on connect and it doesn’t matter if you have a file loaded or not. I thought yesterday I was seeing the error when I loaded a file but may not be letting it sit long enough today to see the error. (sorry, OBS had the wrong microphone)

Error example

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I just installed 1.4.8 and I get the same error on connection. There is no file loaded.

Here is a screenshot of the error. The console shows the same error. Attached, also, is the diagnostic file.

diagnostics_7-16-2024_16-27-58.pdf (77.0 KB)

Thanks, should be fixed in the next release.

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I receive the same error when “Homing” on the AltMill. No files are loaded.

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This should be fixed in 1.4.9, available now.