$30 and $31 values transposed

I set up my Laser which I’m running off the longboard. When I toggle to Laser and check the console for the values my $30 value reads “255” while the $31 value reads “0”

They should read $30=“0”, $31=255

How do I correct this?

Hey Jim,

When I look into laser manual, I found this about those settings.

Found here:

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@wcr Jim: @Spamming_Eddie is correct. $30 sb 255 and $31 sb 0. They are not transposed. FWIW, $32 sb 1 for laser.
$30 is the maximum power setting. $31 is the minimum.

In both instances here the values are shown the $30=255, $31=0, my console shows i have these specs., However, in the set-up video it is opposite.

Confusing? which is correct?

I cannot activly look into my settings atm, I’m not in the shop. However, here is the page on eeprom settings and there it seems the youtube is incorrect. Can you link the vid?

Here’s is a pic of the eeprom page.

Found here:

Never mind, found the picture you are refering to. It looks like you stumbled on a nasty confuser indeed. I think that here the ipc rule of thumb applies.

Text thrumps photograps and graphics.

Maybe a sienci smartie can take a closer look? @chrismakesstuff
Last picture on this page contains the contradiction.

@wcr I don’t know what video you are referring to, but if it says that $30 should be 0, it is wrong.

Here is the text from the Sienci webpage

  1. Set the maximum spindle speed ($30) to a value of 255, or send the command $30=255. Lightburn documentation recommends using 255 or 1000
  2. Set the minimum spindle speed ($31) to a value of 0, or send the command $31=0
  3. Enable laser mode ($32) by setting it to a value of 1, or send the command $32=1

Hi @wcr I think this was a while ago that this was incidentally put in one of our videos and it must’ve not been caught.

The max ($30) is meant to be 255 and the min ($31) is 0. Not sure the ease of updating the video but at the least I’ll get the picture updated and ensure that everywhere else the documentation is consistent if there were any other sources that lead you on the wrong path :+1:

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