3D carve disasters

Hey all. I am fairly new to the CNC world. Went on a crash course the last few months. I have purchased a few 3d files from Etsy and I am fairly confident that i created all the right toolpaths with the right bits. Even slowed the machine down a little and my ipm on my endmills.
This is the 4th carve that after an hour or so in the roughing pass or in the finishing pass after the program whether it’s g sender or a mechanical issue destroys the carve by ripping through an area that doesn’t need to be carved or plainly flattening an area that was already roughed out.

After stopping and starting a new carve it may work properly then the same thing. It did this with three different purchases of a 3d carve and all where destroyed. Plenty of firewood.

I even bout a UPS thinking was electrical. I even decreased the acceleration speed on the altmill from 1500 to 1000 on the x, y and z axis as i read somewhere., I’m at my wits end with this. Not sure what else to do… Please help… Checked for loose screws and the such. I don’t know what I am missing now.

@Nbase1 Please provide a bit more information, Nick, so that members here can help.

  1. What machine do you have?
  2. If it’s a Sienci machine, what controller are you using?
  3. If you are using the Sienci SLB, how are you connecting, USB or ethernet?
  4. What CAD/CAM software are you using?
  5. What post processor in that software are you using to create the toolpaths?
  6. How are you setting your Z0 for each bit you are using for your toolpaths?

Thank you, I am using the Altmill with G sender. My Cad /Cam program is V carve Pro. The Altmill has the SLB and is connected by USB. I am Z0 ing with the Auto Zero touch plate. I have even used the paper method. All fails after some time of carving Not sure what’s going on. Any help would be appreciated.

Nick, I had the exact same issue some months ago after much investigation I came to the conclusion that my issue was related to tne usb hub software on my laptop that I could never seem to get to operate correctly I ended up replacing laptop with a mini pc.

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Hello thanks for the response. I set up the G codes on my laptop and take the usb stick down to the Sienci laptop i recently purchased. Do you think i shouldn’t use a usb stick to transfer to the G sender computer?

@Nbase1 I’m not sure if you directed your question to me or @Mickus, so I’ll start.
Transferring using a USB stick should not cause any issues. I would suggest that you copy the file from the USB stick to the ssd or hard drive on the CNC laptop and run the code from there, rather than running the code from the USB stick.

Ok thanks for your response. I am just trying to figure it out. I will do so and see if that makes a difference as I am running them from the USB stick presently. Hopefully that makes a difference.

@Nbase1 Is this issue only on one file?
What post processor are you using in VCarvePro?

Its Grbl based post processor with G sender.

@Nbase1 You should be using either grbl mm or grbl inch. VCarve has dozens of grbl-based post processors.
It may enable others to help you if you post your .gcode file.

Ok, thanks for the information. Ill look at it later and revisit this. I appreciate all the information. I’m sure I am doing something wrong. I will repost later this evening.

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nick, I have no idea. I only know that I had the same problem and after taking my desktop into the workshop the issue went away so I ended up replacing the laptop with a mini pc. However I would say that what grant is saying makes a lot of sense in trying to isolate your issue.

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I checked Grbl and i have Grbl mm and Grbl inches and the toolpath was set to mm. I will try copying files to hard drive as opposed to the USB stick and let you know. Thanks

cross_1-3D Roughing 1.gcode (1.2 MB)

Good afternoon, I managed to get the program into the hard drive and carve without error, however i cannot get my z height accurate as it carves extremely shallow and incorrectly. It doesn’t carve through and doesn’t carve the rough pass as well as the finish more than maybe 1/64 or 1/32 per pass. One thing fixed another occurs.

@Nbase1 Post your .crv file and/or the original model file if it is not copyrighted if you like. It may allow members to come up with a solution. It sounds like it may have to do with how the model is situated in the material in VCarve.

Might want to check the power settings for the laptop and make sure it isn’t trying to power down or go to sleep after a short period of time. Also check to see if the zero is set to be the material surface or the spoil board surface. If it does something strange or loses it’s place, send to home before starting again. Also the auto zero thinks zero is directly below the plate (~ .25") if the wood is about 1/8 or less you may get an incorrect zero. Verify by running the z (carefully) down to 000 and check that is where it is supposed to be.