Acceleration management problems

I have been troubleshooting an issue for this last week, and thought I would throw it out for comment. Operating Longmill 48x30 with Long Board and running GSender 1.14.11. Generally the machine runs pretty well, but this last job not so much. It is a very fine carving using the tapered 1/8 ball mill for finishing. I have triple checked the V-wheels and ABL nuts and they are in good adjustment, I added some registration marks to check for slippage at the motor collar. No sign of any mechanical issue. The main problem was the x-axis gradually losing position as it proceeds with the job. (3 mm approx). I increased the current on the driver to about 2.2A and it seemed to fix it.

A follow-up run to check was going great for over 250,000 lines ( no offset) and then a sudden offset of 7 mm occurred. Rerunning that section of G-code produced the same result reliably even at lower feed rates.
So now I am running a com port sniffer to check for data transmission issues. Nothing obvious there. So the current theory is that the numerous very small, high feed cuts associated with this project are creating a buffer lag that empties the look ahead buffer and interferes with the acceleration management of the controller. Apparently the cure for this is to implement a character-counting streaming script in the Sender. Does this idea make any sense? Any ideas on how to troubleshoot or correct this?