Adjustments to the gantry

My gantry has a .01"jiggle. The eccentric nuts are as tite as it gets and there is just enough to feel and hear. I put new v wheels on but still …a jiggle. Is there something else that I’m not thinking about to fix it?

Hi Tommy,

I am pretty layed back towards jiggles in my setup. My projects are mostly wood and don’t need to be too precize. That said, I noticed I could see marks after I hogged out a pocket that I didn’t have before. Using up cutters for hogging I know the bit will try to pull into the material, especially when starting to carve. The difference between full hog and step-over hog was what left visible marks in my carves. A solution is to do a final pass with a downcutter, but I also figured that since this was new behaviour, it indicated some maintenance attention.

So I too looked into my v-wheels and found the ones supporting the x-axis on the Y beams to be a bit sloppy.

Have you looked into those aswell?

Yea, :heavy_check_mark: all the others are tight…

I figure the same thing more or less, that’s it’s for woodworking not metal, and besides it leaves cool patterns right I like the hip roof pattern whether it’s from the toolpath or the jiggle it still looks all righ thanks that kind of reassures me… as it’s not exactly slop. I had this other weird thing happened to me the other day where a the outline pass file was corrupt or something it kept throwing my machine out of whack I had to reboot my computer that I think I’m having a memory problem…

If you mean your x andor y zero get bleeped up, maybe you ha e things to tight and the machine stalls while running the outline.

You could try loosening things up a wee bit and see if it still wacks stuff up.

I found a fix for this by putting a .51 mm skinny shim in with the bolt hole and it tightens it up.

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