My Alt mill arrived Wednesday. It’S alive. I still have lots of clean up to do. I’m cleaning up a temp waste board.
WooooHooooo and congratulations!
Any issues with assembly?
Unfortunately I am not expecting to see mine until the end of November
Excellent! Congratulations! Everything you thought it would be? What you going to do with the LongMill on the left? That is one of my holdbacks…. What to do with my LongMill if I purchase an AltMill.
I was going to keep my 30x30, but now I’m not as sure. I’ll have to see after I run the Alt Mill for a while. I thought i might use the 30x30 for just laser work??
Congratulations, I hope to be on the list to get one soon!
I knew from the videos from the crew at Sienci that the spindle would be quieter than the Makita, but I have to say I’m amazed at just how quiet it is!!
Question/ comment to others that have been using Alt mill and to the design team. What about a handle to attach to the end of the dust shoe when its not attached to the spindle. I like to vacuum in between operations. I’d like to be able to snap a handle on and clean and then re- attach to the spindle, anyone else think that would be “handy”?
How long does it take to disconnect the vac hose from the dust shoe? I would imagine it to take very little time and you can just grab the hose and do cleanup. If the hose is too big to grab easily, it would be a minor job to 3D print (or, novel idea, route the thing) a handle.
I would probably explore setting up a second hose with a switch-over valve to direct suction to whichever hose you want to be active.