Yes, I admit it, waiting is killing me … None of the May mills seem to have shipped yet and we are into mid June. Do we have any updates on when the first mill will ship?
My mill is scheduled for November but I am expecting / hoping for December now .
Last we heard is this:
Based on the team’s estimates, we expect to start shipping on the second week of June, but wanted me to let everyone know to set their expectations not too high in case we run into issues.
Second week has come and gone. It would be real nice if we could get a quick update.
Hello! @Jens, take a deep breath my friend! I was in your shoes and would refresh my screen daily to see where my LongMill MK2 was at. Trust me, the folks at Sienci are good people who are doing the very best they can. They will put out something when the first units ship. You never know, once they work out the shipping “kinks”, they may speed up their shipping. My unit was something like 300 and I got it within the “timeframe” promised. It was like Christmas! I was all ready with my table, had my software installed and became familiar with VCarve Pro ahead of time. That helped greatly. It all will work out!
PS: I don’t work for the company, but definitely am a cheerleader for them. Their service and support, along with this forum is amazing.
Deep breath taken … now breathing in and out into a paper bag to eliminate the excess oxygen
I realize it will be months for my mill to arrive but I am hoping to get a status update like “wiring harnesses have been received, we now have all the bits needed, we have started building mills and the first mill will go out middle of third week of June”
and yes, screen gets refreshed every day
Hey now, I got time off early in my paramedic career for having a teen girl breathe into a paper bag cause she was hyperventilating. Her family got the bill and freaked out! It wasn’t my fault the biller charged for the paper bag! LAUGHS!
Remember, every time they post an update that is taking away from the “behind the scenes” work that has to be done. It will be good, honest!
Just an FYI for those waiting for news. I am #6 on the list of machines and I just got a UPS notification that my machine arrives tomorrow. Looks like the first shipments have commenced.
DANG IT! it’s just my touch probe. got too excited when I saw the UPS
I just finished “Wooo” before I saw the second post and swallowed my “Hooo”
That’s just plain mean to toy with you like that …
Well, being #6, I am sure the mill will come your way shortly.
This is excruciating. I’m waiting as fast as I can. I guess I shouldn’t have sold my MK1 back in April.
There should be a way to outsource the waiting part!
This time it’s for real. I have a tracking number. WOOHOO!!
WoooHoooo squared !!!
Just looked at the order page - 9 mills shown as either shipped or ready to be picked up!
Just received mine. I’m grateful for the local/neighbourly delivery from Jason & Daniel.
Get a video up asap so I can live vicariously through you until mine arrives.
Well??? The suspense is killing me! How is the assembly coming along? Any first impressions?
At the risk of seeming undeserving, I won’t begin the installation until late tomorrow or Friday. Even then, I plan to go in slow motion.
Yup … undeserving … Please do keep us posted (pretty please with a cherry on top)
Another 9 mills completed - moving right along
A post was merged into an existing topic: AltMill assembly instructions/experience