There’s no info on connecting a vortex to an ALTMILL and nobody is replying to any posts about it. If you have bought both and have either figured out the connection or found information I can’t could you please help me out?
Does it count if its on my "Christmas List! The Vortex is a big part of why i decided to upgrade to the Alt Mill. Ive got a few rotary project coming down the line and the 30x30 wouldnt have been big enough.
Sorry, that’s not much help for you. You’ll have to blaze the Trail!
Haha well I’m just glad somebody responded to me! It was on my Christmas list too and since I’m my own Santa I got it early but it’s just been sitting around for a month and a half! Seems like something that would’ve already been figured out but no luck so far.
Absolutely love the ALTMILL though
@Lumberparty Since in your first post about this, you said that the connections looked different from those for a Long Mill using an SLB, and since no one has replied to your request of 19 days ago, for help. I suggest that you open a support ticket with Sienci. I have a Vortex running on the SLB, but do not have an AltMill. If the connections are different, my experience will not help you.
Last I heard was a text thread with customer support saying “they’re working on instructions”. I’m in disbelief I’m the only person with an ALTMILL and a vortex and that the items were sold to me together without mention of this situation.
@Lumberparty I’m sorry that I can’t help. I don’t own the AltMill. Connecting the Vortex to the SLB was the same as connecting it to the LB. I was not aware that the connections were different for the SLB-ext/AltMill.
As far as I can tell, the vortex connects to the slb the same as it does on an lb.
Found this in the technical manual.
You seem to be a first adaptee. Thanks for paving the way.
@Spamming_Eddie I believe what @Lumberparty is saying is that the connection is different for the AltMill’s SLB. As I said, I know that the connections to the SLB and the LB are the same. I’ve done it. However, @Lumberparty is saying that they are different for the SLB-ext, which is the model of SLB that controls the AltMill.
I appreciate you taking the time to post this for me. Yeah it just appears that all the connections are different. I’m not even sure the vortex can connect the ALTMILL at all without some sort of adapter.
The Vortex for the Altmill is not available till November per the website. I ordered the kit to upgrade my Vortex that I used on my Longmill; it has to be changed to the closed loop motor. The kit is 81.99 US, its on the Vortex order page in the drop down.
Woah say what?! Definitely was not mentioned when I ordered it months ago with the ALTMILL. (Late March)
@Lumberparty Here is the information that @fafesb referred to.
It makes sense that the Vortex running with the AltMill needs a closed loop stepper motor. I see that Sienci offers an upgrade from the open to the closed loop motor.
Holy smelly cheese macaroni with spam and cheap ass concentrated tomato pulp Batman!
That’s short for -bleep- but can’t say that here without needing another nineteen (nininineteen) bleeps.
I never looked at the product page. Lesson learned.
@Lumberparty: Better reach out to sienci, thems good people and will see the error on all accounts and come up with a happy solution. I’m sure of it.
@gwilki That altmill sure is a beast on its own. I’ll better stick to lm questions.
@Spamming_Eddie I’m with you, Eddie. I have read the info on the AltMill and watched some of the videos. I am a hobbyist CNCer. The AltMill is not only much more machine than I need, but it is WAY out of my snack bracket.
I’m sure that, once there is an AltMill user community, there will be plenty of advice on here to go around.
Part of the reason I picked this machine is because I get such a good vibe from the company. I’m sure the problem will be resolved without an issue.
I really appreciate everyone chiming in on this post and helping me understand the situation better.
Where’s the “follow @Lumberparty as he blazes the trail” button? I too have ordered the Altmill, and fully intend to get the 4th axis ASAP (as soon as wife permits) but I’m calling out Andy and the gang to make it easy, and obvious. Us noobs need guidance.