Anyone having issues with new gSender update?

Is anyone having issues with the lateset gSender update?
I had never had my machine lose inches before and I have it well calibrated.
I’m doing some laser cutouts (going at 4inches/minute, which is slow), and it’s messing up my cuts becuase the x-axis suddenly loses steps bad, and not in a way that it’s obvious the x-axis loses a step here or there due to the motor being pinched due to bad calibration, it just loses a whole inch suddenly but the machine never stutters or stays in the same spot as if it got stuck… it’s more obvious of a software issue.

I’m using gSender 1.4.7 as of this post

Have you updated to the SLB? I had those issues but mine were related to that upgrade.

Upgraded to 1.4.7 and worked fine for 2 days. Restarted my computer and G-Sender is now Black Screen. Tried re-booting, changed screen size to no avail. Anyone else having this problem. Dead in water at this point. Have two laptops with same problem.

Excuse my ignorance, I do not know what the SLB is, can you please illustrate me?

@NCNC The SLB is the Super Long Board = the newest controller for the Long Mills. You can read all about it on the Sienci website and watch several videos that Sienic has done about it on the Youtube channel.

@NCNC are you still experiencing this issue on the latest version of gSender, v1.4.10?

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