Auto-squaring on the SLB

Hello folks,
Has anyone setup auto-squaring on the SLB yet? Tutorial please?
How to enable in grblHAL and re-upload firmware? Is this supported? Is there a firmware builder in gsender? On this note, can gsender be installed on an intel based PC with Linux Ubuntu as the OS? Is this the version labeled as RPi? Or is the RPi version of gsender only for RPi?


You should be able to run gSender on Ubuntu on an Intel-based computer by using this file from their GitHub releases page: gSender-1.4.9-Linux-Intel-64Bit.AppImage

Thanks John,
I appriciate it! I’ll give it a go.

@wiremonkey According to the SLB manual, auto squaring is not supported yet. You may want to contact Sienci to see if that has changed.

Message sent, awaiting replay. There is a Y2 limit port, but…
According to this link, it’s doable with grblHAL.

@wiremonkey As I understand it - and no doubt, someone from Sienci will explain it better - grblHal is not the limitation. The SLB has the two Y drivers “twinned” so they cannot move independently. Sienci has plans to change that at some point.

Hi @wiremonkey, dual homing was tested during the SLB Beta, but has not yet been tested on the final released boards or been re-introduced in firmware. This was meant to be a feature instriduce by now but there has been many other requests for SLB that since launch we’ve just been trying to address the most requested items first as we slowly make our way down the list. I’m in the process of trying to work with Terje the maintainer of grblHAL to get the SLB into his firmware web builder but it’ll take some time. The good news is that it’s worked before and the hardware supports it, so it should be something that anyone can upgrade to once it’s ready to go :+1:


Is this the case? That there is not a separate Y2 driver controller and that both Y steppers are “twinned” on the current iteration of the SLB hardware? There are two separate connectors, are they just wired in parallel on the board to one driver?

@wiremonkey You can see more info in Chris’ reply. I can offer no more. If you want more on this, I suggest that you open a support ticket with Sienci.

Hey folks,
It’s unclear to me whether or not the Y1 and Y2 stepper driver ports are hardwired together or can Y1 and Y2 be operated separately with the correct firmware settings? Or would I have to connect Y2 stepper to the A port in order to control it separately?
I guess the real question is if the SLB is a 4 or 5 axis controller?

@wiremonkey Is this the same issue/question that you posted in your thread on squaring and independent Y axis movement?

I don’t feel like this question has been answered. I have an Altmill that I’m currently building and trying to decide if the SLB will serve my purposes. I want to know if the Y2 stepper port is capable of controlling an independent axis? Or is it permanently mirrored with Y1? If it CAN be used as an independent axis, how is this achieved? By a jumper on the board? Firmware? It’s not clear whether or not the SLB is capable of controlling 5 axis independently or only 4?

@wiremonkey I understand that, but the way to get an answer is not to open new topics on the same subject. As I suggested in your other topic, open a support ticket with Sienci. This is a community forum. It would seem that none of the members can help you with this. I’m sure that tech support will.

I am moving this topic in the your other topic.

Don’t you need two Y motors?

They aren’t wired in parallel on the board, there are two separate drivers controlling two separate motors. Those two drivers also receive two distinct signals from the STM MCU so they can be driven independently from each other.

It’s just that, right now in the firmware the signals being sent to both drivers are to move the same amount so they mirror each other. If the firmware were changed, they could equally move different amounts for Auto-squaring for instance. The SLB is technically a fully 5-axis capable board

I’d agree with Grant that this post and the other are similar so I think it makes sense to join them up. I responded to your previous question but I’m not sure if you missed it or what I said was unclear so I just responded again to hopefully add any further clarification you were looking for

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@chrismakesstuff During the SLB Beta, I asked about the dual Y homing for auto squaring and the function was not available yet. Reading through the Altmill documentation, I saw that it was now default on the Altmill. Is it functional now?

Hi @Etienne.Marcoux great question! I did a livestream before the holiday where I mentioned that I still hadn’t had adequate time to test/validate an auto-squaring version of the firmware - but I’d be willing to make it available to anyone interested if they did so with the understanding that it could cause issues. I’ve already sent it to some people so I’ll post it here too:

I’ll give you the same spiel I gave everyone else:

Though I have no reason to expect that enabling dual Y homing should have any impact on any other aspect of the machine, the firmware has had very little testing, so if you choose to use it then I hope you’re alright to accept the responsibility of anything going wrong. This means that any damage to your material, tools, or machine our company can’t take responsibility for since this is technically not an officially supported firmware and voids the warranty of the SLB for its use (but not against manufacturing defects). If that’s alright by you then I hope you enjoy it, and if you have any feedback on its performance then please let me know!

Some tips I can give you for setup:

  1. If you’re trying to home and it’s really not wanting to cooperate, ensure the Y1 motor and switch are on the same side, same as with the Y2 motor and switch
  2. The default values for the new firmware settings ($170-173, and $347 & 348) should be sufficient, except you’ll likely need to change $171 to accommodate the fact that your two Y-axis sensors will likely not be perfectly aligned
  3. A positive value for $171 will apply a positive offset to Y2 and vice versa, use this to hone in your machine so that it homes square every time

Otherwise, here’s the file download:
SuperLongBoard_B5.0.5b-as.hex (823.3 KB)

You’ll notice the “-as” at the end of the file which stands for “auto-squaring”. Refer to this page on how to flash new firmware: Firmware & Flashing - SuperLongBoard

@chrismakesstuff Chris, I was going to flash the firmware but noted that the file name did not had the -as for auto squaring like you mentionned. The file provided is SLB_5.0.5b_NGC 2.hex

I just want to confirm that it is the the right file as I just received my inductive sensors and was going to wire this up tomorrow.


Y’know @Etienne.Marcoux you’re totally right, wrong file attached. I’ve corrected it

The other file I accidentally attached was for SD card macro support
SLB_5.0.5b_NGC.hex (822.6 KB)