Auto Zero Touch plate not going to Z = 0.00

Auto Zero Touch plate: Z not going to 0.00 after zeroing. I get a reading of 0.039. I move it 0.00. Before I discovered this I ruined two projects.
How do I correct this?

This is not a bug, none of the probe profiles go to Z0 when they complete. Auto zero ends 1 mm above Z0 (0.039") - you need to use the “Go To Z0” for the Auto zero plate just like you need to for the standard touchplate.

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@rbalchin As @KGN has explained, gSender and the touch plate are functionning as they are supposed to. I am closing this topic.

I want to also add, this shouldn’t ruin any projects, since the zero is still being set correctly - we just hover the bit over the material so it doesn’t mark it up. If your projects’ g-code only have absolute movements, that’s the only case I could think of that would cause the cutting to be impacted. If that’s the case feel free to open another topic :+1: