@Tpoole1988 Hello Tanner! I concur with @Spamming_Eddie, that is a beautiful design you have! I also built a table from scratch. My Laminated Plywood Bench as many of us here have done! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve struggled with consistency issues as well. Have you flattened the spoil board? I did that and it GREATLY improved my carving. Then, still not being totally happy with the “quality” of my carving, I began to flatten the work piece to my cnc machine. Makes one heck of a mess, but the quality of the carves are superb!
If I were you, I’d tinker with what you have. A dining room table, while not a bad idea, will not be more sturdy than what you already have.
Heck, the majority of us are amateur woodworkers. When my dad wanted me to learn woodworking (he was a master carpenter), I was too busy drinking and chasing women.. All joking aside, one of my major regrets in life. The school of hard knocks is much more difficult.
Bounce ideas off of us, we will get you there sir! Take care and continue to post your journey here!