CNCJS macro Bitsetter probing always off by ~ +3mm

I just set up Gsender on my shapeoko to make use of a digital probe, but my Bitsetter is always adding 3mm to the Z height every time I add a new tool and go to the previously established Z zero. It was working perfectly fine in carbide motion. These are the macros I’m using: CNCjs-Macros/C3D_BitSetter at master · cncjs/CNCjs-Macros · GitHub

I’ve checked the z travel and it’s not an issue with steps/mm, if I tell the cnc to go -5mm in z it goes exactly -5mm measured with calipers. I originally thought it was because I sped up the probing feedrate to match the carbide motion one, but even after I recopied the code with no changes other than putting in the probe location, it still offsets the z by 3mm. Could it be something with the limit switches?

Edit: I tried using the non Carbide3D version of the offset probe and toolchange macro by neilferreri but the same thing is happening.