Different GRBL settings for different programs

I have a 4040 Reno. I use it to carve and then laser. What I have found is that the $3 and $23 settings in Gsender are different in Lightburn. Example: In Gsender they are $3=5 and $23=3. In Lightburn they are $3=0 and $23=6. Is this a normal occurrence? On my older 3018, the settings were the same!

@theslaz Welcome back, Jerry.

I’ve moved your question to the gSender/question category to give it more exposure.

I don’t know the answer to your question, but since both of those values seem to deal with movement direction, I would say that whichever of those settings works for your machine are the ones to stay with.

Thanks for your reply and concern. Right now I have to use both settings, one for Gsender and one for Lightburn. I was just wondering if this scenario is common. It’s no problem with me, I use the macro feature in both programs to change the settings.