Feel im missing something basic

I have been trying for a week to figure this problem out. Ive been humbled!

I make the file in lightburn evweyrhing looks ok. When i load it in g sender the area thats not suposed ro be burnt shows red.
Once I start burn in G sender the laser burnes the entire time. There isnt a spot in the work piece untouched. Not sure what im missing really could use help.

@usaray How have you set laser mode in gSender? It sounds like it is not set properly.

I adjusted $30 31 and 32 to the settings in the video series by chris. I know its gotta be a simple fix. Which is whats driving me.
The laser even burns the test outline.

Have you read this section of the gSender docs?

I mention it because instead of setting $30-$32 by hand you can fill out the settings and then gSender will apply them when you switch modes on the spindle tab in the bottom right.

Another thing to watch out for is that I think the video series might use 255 for the max speed and LightBurn defaults to 1000. The power of the laser is controlled by the router speed in laser mode e.g. speed 500 with max at 1000 equals 50% power. I prefer the max to be at 1000 because it’s easier math to figure out the percent of power if you need to look at the gcode. The important part is that whatever you decide to use for max power has to be the same in gSender and LightBurn. Also min power should be zero so the laser can turn off.


Thank you I will try that too.