gControl touch screen problem with extended second screen

Hey Gang.

Well, I got my gControl on Thursday. Fortunately I live close enough to Waterloo that I picked it up the same day it was packaged. I ordered and installed the 16GB RAM that whitewolf recommended without any hiccups. Thanks for that, Corey.

I do have an issue that I heard about somewhere but I can’t locate it at the moment. I have a second monitor and it extends fine but then the touch screen feature on the does not work. If I disconnect the second monitor or duplicate it then the touch feature comes back.

Does anybody have a solution for this? Touch screen was one of the features of the gControl that attracted me.

Thanks. Ron

Sorry for the issue with the touchscreen not working. I did not have that issue. I used a TV monitor as my 2nd screen connected via HDMI if that matters.

Sounds specifically like the driver for the 2nd monitor is somehow cancelling out the touchscreen portion of the gControl. (windows - blah)

Have you run Windows Update by chance?

I just ran Windows Update and same result. I have a 22" HD ASUS monitor also connected via HDMI.

I’ll do some more research. I’m retired. I have time.

At least I can still run gSender with the mouse.

Thanks for your help.

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OK. Here’s the latest.

If I touch the gControl screen it shows the movement on the ASUS screen. WTF??? As Alice said "Curiouser and curiouser.

I will continue the fun tomorrow. It’s time to walk the dog and then have a Guinness or two then watch the Oilers beat up the Leafs.


Hey gang. I guess persistence pays off.

Google suggested that I calibrate the touch screen like so:

Calibrate your Touchscreen:

  • Go to “Control Panel” > “Hardware and Sound” > “Tablet PC Settings”

  • Click “Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input”

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate your touchscreen.

The instructions said to touch the touch screen. I did. Problem solved!

Now back to tuning up my Longmill MK1.

Have a good Sunday evening everyone.



Congrats! Glad you were able to figure it out and continue on with you CNC experience!

Thanks Corey. I retired a few years ago after 45 years as a programmer, analyst, business analyst etc. So I guess I still have a couple of functioning analytical brain cells.

Onward and upward.
