General laser/lightburn question

Good afternoon.
I am very new to working with computer software and computers in general. I just hooked up my new laser to my MK2 and I am trying to set up the trial version of lightburn but when I try setting it up lightburn does not recognize my laser. Any assistance would be helpful.

Thank you

Hi Eric,

Do you normaly connect your longmill via g-sender?

I don’t use lb to control my machine but export the gcode and load it into the gsender at my machine. You might be able to do the same untill someone comes alomg whom can help you setup lb as your sender.

Hope you get to run great laser projects soon.

Yes I do use g sender. I did some testing and I do believe I was able to get it located. Thanks for the help.

Can’t wait to see you post the amazing projects you’re going to produce with your laser. It’s prety capable for its size.

Good luck!

@EricMac If gSender can see your controller, LB should be able to see it, too. Just make sure that gSender is not open and connected when you try to connect with LB. Assuming that you are connecting with USB, each of those applications will control the com port. So, only one can be connected at a time.