Go to home speed too fast

Long mill 30x30 running gsender 1.4.0
It was working fine. Had movement issues, re-loaded software replaced USB, checked grounding straps. If I try to go fast it freezes up. It was easy enough to adjust the manual jog speeds, but how do I adjust the machine speed, like when I tell it to return to home? Each time it thuds, stops and looses zero.

Any ideas

You can set the homing speed in the firmware settings $25 is ‘homing seek’ which is the fast part of homing, only applicable if you have homing enabled. You can also set the maximum speed for each axis with $110, $111, and $112. If you use gSender changing the firmware settings is pretty easy, use the firmware button in the group of buttons in the top right.

On another note it might be worth while to check the tightness of your anti-backlash blocks and v-wheels. Maybe something is too tight and that is causing trouble on fast moves.

Another thing that can cause it to bind especially at the ends of the travel range is if the ant-backlash blocks are mounted a little crooked. It works okay in the middle where the lead screw has a little play but binds at the edges where the lead screw has no room to flex. Loosen the mount bolts for the block and jog back and forth on that axis and then tightening back up can sometimes fix that.

EDIT: I should also add that those numbers for the settings are for GRBL on the regular LongBoard, if you have the SuperLongBoard with GRBL-HAL the numbers might be wrong but the settings should be in there. I’m not familiar enough with the SLB to know if the numbers are different.