gSender 1.1.7 Macro Shortcut List

gSender 1.1.7
OS=windows 10 22h2

I have created macros that do not appear in the shortcut list. How do I get them onto the shortcuts list?

I have deleted macros from the macros list and they continue to appear in the shortcut list. I can live with this as I can simply turn off the shortcut, but I would prefer to be able to remove them.

These bugs may have been present in previous versions. I’ve only noticed them now.

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We’ll take a look, thanks!

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This bug should’ve been fixed for a while now so I’ll do some housecleaning and close the topic :slightly_smiling_face:

@chrismakesstuff I re-opened this as it is not fixed. Attached is the .json file showing the current list of macros. Note that there is no macro named kkkk. Attached also is a screencap of the keyboard shortcut list. Note that kkkk is there and there is no way to delete it.

gSender-macros-3_2_2024-2_19_53 PM.json (1.6 KB)