Gsender 1.4.1 Probe z axis measure error

On setting the z axis thickness in single z probe setting it is then found to have reset the xyz probe z axis setting to the same value. Ditto in reverse. It appears that the z axis field is linked to the one value instead of there being two unique values.

Hey @Spiderman,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting! We love to identify and squash bugs.

So to help me understand, are you saying that if you set the Z axis as the only axis like this…
Probe Z

It will set a Z location for you of say 19?

Then you run the probe on XYZ axis like this…
Probe XYZ

Your result is that Z has been reset with this new probing? (Still to 19?)


Hi Stephen, it’s good to chat with someone about this. I am referring to the probe thickness measurement Setup screens for Z and XYZ block. When I set Z probe thickness say to 19.1 it changes the XYZ z thickness setting to 19.1. If I set XYZ z thickness to say 2.25 I then find that the Z only probe thickness measurement is also changed from 19.1 to 2.25. It’s saying both my probes need to have the same z thickness. Thanks

Thanks @Spiderman! I understand now and was able to recreate this bug.

@KGN it does indeed look like all of the probe settings (height, travel, etc) are all being shared between the Standard Block and Z block probe profiles. Maybe we should consider saving them separately?


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@Spiderman we’ve made several fixes to probing since v1.4.1, could you let me know if you are still experiencing issues with it on the latest version of gSender, v1.4.10?


Thanks for the f go. I checked the latest version 10 and sadly for me determining the probe’s Z axis height is still fixed to using only one measuring block for both Z and XYZ. This is because there is only one Z axis configurable variable. That means that I cannot use a different touch plate to measure just Z and another for the more complex touch block for XYZ. Eg for only Z it’s round and 19 mm high. The XYZ touch block I use has a Z height of 6mm. So to get around the issue I made my own XYZ macro to use the 6mm height. I miss having the continuity check.

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That makes sense, sounds like @Spiderman has two separate probes they like to use and swap between, but they each have different z heights while we share the z variable between both, making their setup not possible currently