gSender limit switch issue with Shapeoko 5 Pro

I have been using gSender with my Shapeoko for a couple of months now and I have a bug that shows its head every so often. First I will mention that the Shapeoko 5 Pro has dual x steppers and limit switches I will refer to the right side as x1 and the left as x2.

Sometimes, but not every time, if I home from home (like when just powering on and connecting) z, y, and x1 react appropriately but x2 goes to limit and when it ā€œreboundsā€ it only advances and does not actually rebound. This means that x2 is essentially 3 steps ahead of x1 so it is significantly out of square.

The only fix I have managed this far is to unplug and let everything reset overnight and try again in the morning. And then it will work fine for weeks until it decides to start bugging again.

I primarily run it from a pi4 but I have the same error from my Windows 11 laptop.

Thank you for any help yā€™all can come up with!

Hey @ronnie great to hear about your setup! I think one thing thatā€™d be useful for us is if you experience this issue again - if you could try homing in another sender like UGS or Carbide Motion.

The reason I mention this is that gSender can control many things, but typically the homing cycle of the CNC isnā€™t something we can actually influence. Because of that if you tried on another sender it might help narrow down if we are somehow hitting a bug, or of thereā€™s an issue on the side of your machine.

The only other thing I could note is if you experience it again in gSender, you can go to Calibrate ā†’ Diagnostic PDF and then attach that file here and thatā€™ll give us any other info that might be useful :+1:

Hey @chrismakesstuff I never had this issue when I was running CNCjs or the handful of times I have used Carbide Motion.

It was doing it to me right before I started this topic last night. Does the Diagnostic PDF save if the computer has power cycled?

Also, for clarity this only ever happens if I home from home. I used to make it a habit to home after every project and just leave it there until I was ready for the next one. Since I have been having this issue I have not left the machine at home during power cycles and it hasnā€™t been a problem but yesterday I crashed the computer (user error) after homing so it made me home from home and started the issue again.

Huh, interesting. Yeah for the Diagnostic PDF you usually want to do it right after the error, since if you power cycle the computer or board then the information gets lost. If you have a way to reliably recreate it then it sounds like youā€™d be able to make the issue happen again, and then attach the PDF in this thread and we can take a look at it for any funny business :+1:

Glad you have an alternate way to keep it working in the meantime!

I will recreate it after my market this weekend and upload the file. It is definitely an odd issue

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