gSender - Spindle won't restart after stopping job

I’ve run into an issue with my Altmill where I can’t get gSender to restart the spindle when I try to resume a [surfacing] job from a specific line.

I had to stop my Altmill mid surfacing job because material started escaping the dust shoe (I’m surfacing an HDPE panel and had to get plastic clogs out of the dust shoe). Now that I’ve stopped the job I can’t seem to get the spindle to restart and go from the last line it completed. The Altmill drags the nonmoving spindle across my material. The spindle will work if I restart the entire job, but that isn’t what I need to do now. I’ve powered everything on and off, rehomed the Altmill, rezeroed the Z axis, etc.

Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Sorry, I thought you paused the job.

If I have a stop in my work, mostly laser jobs, I don’t bother trying to start at the line it stopped, mostly because I haven’t looked into that direction jet.

My workaround is clipping the design approx at the point it stopped and recalcultaing the toolpaths. It’s a rough solution but it does save a lot of time.

I know this isn’t a solution, only a possible workaround to your problem and I bet there are more elegant solutions out there.

Take it as an I hear ya.

@kthorn I’ve moved your post to the Machine Help category. Your issue may well be a gSender problem, but with the information you provided, I’ll put it here for now.

Thanks for your reply.