gSender v1.4.11 Alarm 14 when entering console command

I’ve been going in HUGE circles attempting to get my AltMill working. Last Friday I could move and activate my PwnCNC spindle. Something went south yesterday and I could not make it move or spin. Today I issued console command $RST=$ to reset the firmware. Immediately, I could move the spindle, but when I entered m3s1200 to spin the spindle, I got an Alarm 14 (Spindle at speed timeout. Clear before continuing.)

How in the heck do I clear the error?
I did enter “$X” but this did nothing for me. I still get the Alarm14 when I reenter the command.

My guess is that you’re seeing Alarm 14 because the SLB and spindle aren’t turned on in the correct order. The controller and VFD need to “handshake” and if the conditions aren’t met, even if they’re on at the same time they won’t go through with the handshake. Now I don’t know exactly how the PWNCNC works but let’s assume that it works similarly to the Sienci spindle… Please follow these instructions in this order:

Assuming the SLB is plugged into power but turned OFF.

  1. Plug spindle into power, the VFD should blink with red text
  2. Then turn on the SLB using the power toggle

This should be the correct way to turn on your controller, each time, to avoid Alarm 14.

Have you contact PWNCNC about this issue before? If so what have they said?

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Hey, I’m having the same problem with my PWNCNC Spindle also. Not sure if I need to buy their VFD as opposed to the one that came with the oatmeal. I can’t even access any spindle options on code 395.

LOL … error correction at it’s finest :slight_smile:

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I’m just guessing, double-check your wiring. Also, open gSender, in the bottom right area, click Console. In the section where it says “Enter G-Code here…” enter “$RST=$” (no quotations, I’m not sure if the letter case is important), and click the Run button.

I purchased the PwnCNC 240v VFD, the preset the following values:
P0.0.03 = 2
P0.0.04 = 9
P0.0.11 = 6
P2.0.02 = 21
P4.1.00 = 4
P4.1.01 = 3

I don’t know if the same would be true for your VFD. I suggest that you contact PwnCNC. It would be interesting to know what they suggest. I’m totally in the dark as to what these settings mean and what other values could be used. Possibly Sienci might know what the settings should be. They might not know and suggest you call PwnCNC. You might encounter finger-pointing at this time.

Has anyone had success with the PwnCNC 2.2 water-cooled spindle, PwnCNC VFD, and the AltMill. I’ve been going in huge non-productive circles.

Sienci has remotted into my PC, and confirmed the settings. Yesterday I received a new SBL from Sienci, I installed it and made the firmware settings. When I attempt to run the spindle, after about 4 seconds when I issue a command I get the Alarm 14.

Per PwnCNC they have it running on their AltMill, they sent me a copy of their gSender settings firmware file. I imported them, shut down gSender and powered off my CNC including the VFD. Repowered the VFD, turned on the SLB, opened gSender, connected to the SLB, issued a console command (m3s7000), about 4 seconds after clicking the Run button I get the Alarm 14. The alarm is easy to clear by double-clicking on the orange/brown button on the gSender main screen. I’ve checked the firmware settings several times with no success.

Here is a screen shot of gSender

If you have it running with the PwnCNC 2.2 water-cooled spindle and VFD, please attach a copy of your gSender exported firmware settings.

I’m willing to try almost anything.

@Jgt1942 I’ve moved your issue to the gSender category so that the gSender group in Sienci will be more likely to see it.