I’ve had my MK2 for quite some time (close to 2 years). I progressively upgraded to limit switches without issue, then the SLB, without issue, but I recently upgraded to the Sienci spindle. I did burn in as was suggested and everything seemed fine. However, I can home the machine…however the minute when I try to start a carve, when the z-axis lifts slightly to move from home, it triggers a hard-limit error and stops the machine (it’s the z-axis that’s being triggered). I can watch it happen. If I lower the z-axis and zero the z-axis it still lifts all the way up and triggers the hard limit. Any idea how to resolve it? I can disable the hard limits in the firmware and that fixes the issue. I’m just curious as to what must have changed to cause issues now that weren’t there before? Any suggestions?
sound like a G28 on post processing in Fusion, can you check and if it is, and select clearance height?
but it should work since G28 goes to max z-high (Home) , also check the travel of the Z axis in the settings and see if it matches the actual travel .
Thank you @iuliancalin I’m not sure what “G28 on post processing in fusion” means? Can you please elaborate? In regards to the z axis travel in the settings, do you recall where I find that info? That actually could be the issue but I can’t recall where to find those settings.
@Spamming_Eddie , thank you. I probably should have mentioned in my initial post that I tried that. I went to 1 and then to 2 and It’s still doing it. The pull off when homing seems to work fine. This is actually happening when the z-axis lifts to move to position when starting a carve.
@CrankyCowboy Take a look at safe height in gSender. Go to settings, safety. Keep in mind that if you set it very small - as I do - you can hit clamps and anything else higher than the material surface.