Initial Longmill MK2 Setup. Can't get Gsender to work

Hi. I just set up my new Longmill MK2 48 X 30 and I have everything all together, but I can’t get Gsender to move the XYZ axis. I connected the machine to my computer but when I try to jog it using Gsender nothing happens. When I try the Idle button turns green and says Jogging, but nothing happens. Obviously, I am doing something wrong or have overlooked something. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks for your help.

Is your machine loaded in G-Sender?

It shows connected if that’s what you mean. I am new to this so forgive me if I’m missing something obvious but I’m not sure if that’s what you mean when you say loaded in G-Sender.

There is an error code under safety in the settings tab that says Error - Feeder. Error 2 Missing the expected G-Code word value or numeric value format is not valid

@Darren518 Be sure that you connected using grbl and not grblHal.

Yes, I am loaded in Grbl and not grblhal.