Is it possible to add a tool's description in the Tool Change Wizard?

I’m using the ‘Fixed Tool Sensor’ option of the ‘Tool Change’ screen and in the Wizard when it comes time to change the tool, all it tells me is the tool number that I need to swap out to (eg: T3).

When I look at the tool change line in the GCode, all it states is “M6 T3” which is Tool change and Tool number.

What I’d really like is for the wizard to list both the Tool Number and Description.

I’m able to adjust my Post-processor in VCarve to add the tool’s description to that line but I don’t know if the SLB supports that, and if it does, I don’t know what the format should be. Ultimately I’d love it to be something like ‘M6 T3 End Mill (1/8")’

Is this possible? If so, how?


Is there someone at Sienci who can answer this question?

Posting this in the gsender category might have better exposure to the right people.

@rblondeau How can I resist the subtle nudge from @Spamming_Eddie . I’ve moved your question to the gSender category. The gSender group in Sienci regularly monitors this category.
Please keep in mind, though, that this is user forum. It cannot and does not replace direct communication with tech support at Sienci.