Just pulled the trigger

Just pulled the trigger on buying a Longmill after months of looking around at possibilities. But honestly, Sienci in my opinion offers the biggest “bang for the buck” in my mind. In it’s size, I haven’t been able to find a suitable contender and if I to make the jump the 48x48 (which I was really hoping for), the cost basically triples. So pumped for this machine and need to start building a home for it.

Not much for questions or anything to ask, just excited and wanted to get it off my chest. Wooooooo


@DrRobotnik Excellent decision, Adam. You won’t regret it.

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Woohoooooo :grin:

Welcome to the world of CNC Adam!

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Thanks @chrismakesstuff. Now you guys just gotta release that verticle table design video. Totally want to build that!

Adam, you won’t be disappointed. Just like most cnc machines you are only limited by your ideas. With tiling and indexing you can create anything any size you want. Happy carving.

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Same here last Saturday. Now we wait.

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welcome! I ordered mine yesterday. Any update @chrismakesstuff on time for shipping on the 30x30?

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I see your machine is on the packing table right now. Likely to be finished up tomorrow :slight_smile:


@chrismakesstuff Woot Woot! I just finished building a table for it in my shop!

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@Chyren Show it off man, I need some ideas!

I spent a total of about 50 bucks on “econo studs” at our local hardware store. I made the table 40x40 and framed it with the studs. Every piece was 40 inches long so it was easy to frame. I then covered it with some scrap fenceboards I had. Once I set up the Longmill I will be buying a top that will be the wasteboard. I figured 40 inches high too would allow me at 5’10 to not be bending over all the time while working. Ouch. I was super anal about making it level 20200611_205531|375x500

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Can’t open the picture :pensive:


Looks good, Gary. If you can, attach it to the back wall - that will help immensely with resisting vibration and shaking when the LongMill is moving around. A couple of screws through the 2x4 back legs into the wall would do…

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Already purchased the anchors and L brackets last night. Was my “today” project. Thanks for the advice though and keep it coming lol.

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I envy your space. My shop size, and other tools/machines, means that mine Mill has to be on wheels.

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Mine will be too, but I plan on making it into a big rolling drawer chest too

To update you: Ikenna let me know today that the batch on the packing table is waiting on some parts and are scheduled to go out Monday. Didn’t mean to jump the gun there Gary

Hey Chrismakestuff. What’s up with my LongMill?

It’s out on the packing table right next to Garys