Laser cut 3d unicorn puzzle

Fun little project that I gave to Mom. I found a 3d puzzle of a horse that was to be cut out of 2mm material. I added the horn and made a base for it. The laser was used to cut out the 37 horse parts and to put my mark and date on the bottom of the base. The base was a bit of poplar I had kicking around. I used the VCarve molding tool path with a 1/8" ball nose to cut the base.

I’m not the best painter so I was happy with the result and these little laser projects don’t cost that much. The price of wood is so crazy now.

Comments welcome.


@_Michael Great project, Michael!! Well done you. :grinning:

I like the overall effectiveness of the design The contrasting hooves and paint has really brought it to life. The addition of the horn has made this horse into a magical mythical fairytale creature. It is just the sort of project that any kids would love. Nice work! :+1:

Thank you for the kind words @jepho and @gwilki


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@_Michael Amazing work sir! Your paint job was spot on.
