Lightburn License

Good morning I just set up my laser and I downloaded the trial version and I am looking to purchase the license. When I go to Sienci website and go to lightburn it says out of stock can I still get Lightburn from Sienci?

Good question. If I recall correctly, I got the licence at the price stated on the sienci site. I also recall that the price went up in these two years. I however don’t recall how long ago that is, but I think the lightburn licence at the stated price is out of the question.

Here’s the pricing at lb page.

Why the licence retail is still up at the sienci site, I don’t know. It feels almost like a forgotten corner. Maybe @gwilki has some more in depth knowledge?

This was in the December blog

LightBurn Seller and Pricing Changes

There are some changes happening with Lightburn. If you guys don’t know, Lightburn is a software for laser cutters including the LaserBeam. We have been an official reseller for this software for some time.

The first major change is in the pricing. The original price started at 60USD and is now going to come up to 100USD. While we understand that a higher price isn’t necessarily great for customers, we do think that the software at 100USD is extremely reasonable and provides incredible functionality for lasers in general. Additionally, given that the Lightburn team has continued to provide support and updates frequently, the additional income from license sales are expected to help push development and improvements on further. This is called “Lightburn Core” now

The second major change is in the licensing structure. Originally, we were able to freely sell the software. At this moment in time, although there is no specific agreement in place, Lightburn wants us and other sellers to only offer the software as a bundle to another product. This is to reduce the number of unsavory sellers in the market who do things such as selling the same license code three times. Since each Lightburn license can be installed on three computers at a time, they can sell the same code thrice. When customers have tried to install licenses on multiple computers as they should be able to, they have found that they are not able to and adding extra burden on the Lightburn team to resolve.

I am not really a big fan of “bundling” software with products, as I believe that users should have as much freedom as possible when choosing software, especially when there are multiple options, which is why at this time we haven’t bundled or offered the software for sale on our site at the moment.

We are discussion possibly using an online portal instead, where users can buy software direct from Lightburn, but allow us to take a commission and provide some support to customers as well. I have found this to be a fairly straightforward and easy way to allow software providers to have control over the software distribution.

We are still working through this, as we do want to make sure Lightburn is able to sustainably provide software. If you want to purchase the software, you can still do so directly through them on their website.

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I want to say Thank you for the great information.

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