Linux hangs on 2nd file open

Update: When loading a second file in gsender it appears to lock up. Actually it is waiting for a file to be loaded but there is no file dialog box to load it. If you make the main screen smaller you will find the dialog box behind it. Load a file and everything works fine. No need to restart and rehome. Why the file dialog box only appears on screen for first load I do not know. Also file dialog box does not save location. Hope this helps.

We’ve altered the application to hopefully not focus the main window on file dialog - let us know if you’re still experiencing this in 1.4.9.

Still an issue for me today with 1.4.9 – but it is SO MUCH less an issue since @JHS pointed out the other file dialog window is there, but just BEHIND the main gSender window.

Still the same issue for me to. But still usable.

@JohnOCFII @JHS are you guys still experiencing this issue on the latest version of gSender, v1.4.11?

Unfortunately, yes, still have the issue with the file selector window on Debian Linux popping up behind the gSender window. (94.4 KB)

Sorry for the confusion - this issue is related to Electron and won’t be fixable until we’ve updated the Electron version on main to a version that has this fix. We’ve made this update in Edge, but it won’t be in the main branch until those changes come over.

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