After installing the LaserBeam and getting it up and working, I have been having an issue with my LongMill cutting wood to deep. I’m using VCarve and I have triple checked my cut depths and they are good. I had to change a few setting on GSender to get the Laser working properly, not sure if that is causing my issue. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ya I have backtracked and looked at the settings, my changes didn’t make a difference. The cut passes are even, they just don’t stop at .5 inches where they should. I keeps going well past that to the point were I manually stop it.
Good thought, but no go. It is set to the material surface. I think I jumped the gun a little bit and restored GSender back to default settings, now nothing works, lol. y is reversed and z,x don’t even move. Guess I have some trouble shooting to do tomomow
Oh jolly, sounds like fun. To e clear, you did have a brand new 30x30 with an slb, no?
I ever had the need to reset anything, you did a back up, settings dump somethinsomethin?
Oh my…
Never mind what I say here, just out of bed, running on raw DOS.
Thanks MaxCanada, I’ll have a look at that when I solve this new issue.
I flashed the firmware and still no change. I can connect to the LoMill via GSender however when I direct it to move only the X -axis moves but reversed and slow. When I engage the Z and Y axis it appears to try and move but immediately stops with a thud, like when you first turn on the LongMill. I am stumped on this one.
Yes this is a new LongMill, just got it this month. It has been working perfectly up until this point. No unfortunately I did not back up any settings.
Idon’t have an SLB so cannot help much but to look into manuals myself. What scares me is the “ifyoudontknowwhatyouaredoing” warning at the beginning of this section.
It would appears I didn’t flash it, that’s probably why there was no change. I guess I’ll contact support and see what they say before I do anything I’ll regret.
Hey guys thanks again for you help really appreciate it. I just came across a post that fixed the issue.
Just solved y+z lock up simple in console type in $rst=$ then press run and it resets everything back to normal,but still cannot figure out why it locked up in the first place