I have a Mk2 that has started acting up. During a job the left side y axis moves forward and the right side will lag behind, throwing the cut off. I’m not sure what to check. If i tighten the backlash screw on the right it doesn’t move at all. I’m not sure how tight is to tight.
Check all the connections on the motors and the longboard. I had that happen and a wire came disconnected.
@crosbyru Welcome to the group, Russell.
Has it been working well until now?
In terms of antibacklash nuts, people tend to overtighten them. Back them off completely. Check for movement on each leadscrew. If there movement, tighten about 1/16 turn at a time until there is no movement. Stop there.
It has been working fine until just recently. i noticed that the bottom back v wheel on the right hand side turns very easy. but all the other wheels are very snug. when should the wheels be replaced?
@crosbyru Possibly, but not likely. It depends on how many miles you have on them. It’s more likely that you need to play with the adjustment, which in my experience can be a frustrating exercise, but worth the time.