Looking for local users

Thinking on buying but would like to see one locally in operation, see shop setup and help in getting started. I’m in Kerrville, Texas.

Anyone out there close?

@T28fog Welcome to the forum Bob! Sorry I’m in Iowa, so not local. Is there any questions we can answer for you? I do totally get wanting to touch, feel and taste something that costs as much as a LongMill, I really do. If you are having doubts, there are a few reviews online. The one that I recall watching was from @IDCWoodcraft. He had no “skin in the game” and at that time, was reviewing the previous LongMill version.

From a personal perspective, my LongMill has been very solid, at a good price point and has made some beautiful commissioned pieces, where the customer’s loved them. It is a great way to break into CNC making and the LongMill has my highest recommendation.

If it would help you, I would be willing to show you my workshop and LongMill via Skype or YouTube livestream. My work flow is far from perfect, but it does work for me. The New Year will hopefully bring some changes including designing out the large space under my LongMill table (it’s wide open with only a single shelf for storage) and more importantly dust collection for my CNC as well as other sawdust producing tools.

Once again, welcome to the forum!

Happy Holidays!

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