Machine shifting X Axis

@Bill Of the 3 bullet points, the easiest two are 1 and 3. Overcoming the lack of familiarity with Microcontrollers is going to be a challenge - you might find a (state-side) help who could program a unit for you, but I am across the Atlantic in EU and unlikely to be able to help…

But the desire to overcome obstacles is what makes an Engineer. If you want to overcome them, I am sure you will be able to - same story here, I learned Microcontrollers with a few Arduino projects and tuned in to what they are all about, how to code them etc - and this learning translated directly to the Teensy4.1 programming.


Thanks for the direction, at this time of life I will probably go the route of less resistance. Thank you for your help. I
My end goal is a more reliable machine.

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My hat’s off to you for even considering it. I’m not intimidated by much, but you’re willing to dive into a pretty murky pool there. I know enough to know that I don’t have it in me! I reckon it makes a difference that it’s at least in your loose area of education. My BS is bio based and my post grad is administrative. My practical experience is all mechanical so I have no basis to work from. I really envy those of you that can dig into the electronic piece!

@CncJim , I guess I like to tinker, When the new board arrives I do need to adjust the pots properly. If all works well I may choose to carve

New board came in, sienci is prompt on shipping. Uploaded the right firmware, did a test carve and success.

Maybe the answer.


Another carve

Things I’ve learned, it’s not always you. I learned a ton of information from you all.

Things do fail, no idea why. I was always of the mindset in electronics either are go or no go but apparantly there is an element in between.

If you ever need to install the firmware know you may need to adjust/change direction of the different Axis. I had to do this on Z Axis & X Axis and it’s nothing more than slider switchesto do what you want.

It’s all about learning !

Don’t know how to thank all that helped me through this dilemma.

I will just use this setup until I start moving towards a more discrette setup to include replaceable stepper drivers.


As this issue appears to have been resolved by the installation of a new controller, and as the OP has started a new thread to continue to conversation, I am closing this thread.

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