Mounting my new Altmill on wheels

I am mounting my new Altmill and I was wondering if anyone has put it on rollers instead of the fixed support. If so will it affect vibration in a way of affecting the quality of the cuts if I put the altmill on rollers.

Hi Michel,

Not an Altmill owner but I do have my 48x30 on spring loaded casters (cant get more unstable than that.) and the table likes to vibrate and even shock pretty visible during carves/lasers etchings.

I have found it not to matter at all, cause everything vibrates equaly badly, so the sender and reciever of the carve/laser etch, are stationairy relative to eachother.

There are retractable casters on the market you can consider if you worry about fibrations. Something like this maybe?


I used what @Spamming_Eddie used on my CNC machine and other benches with wooden legs. They do work well. But with that said, the AltMill has metal legs. I didn’t check how they were finished at the bottom, but I used this for the bottom of my surface planer, locked the 600# hunk of metal down well, both for spinning and rotation.
Hope that helps!