Mounting my new Altmill on wheels

I am mounting my new Altmill and I was wondering if anyone has put it on rollers instead of the fixed support. If so will it affect vibration in a way of affecting the quality of the cuts if I put the altmill on rollers.

Hi Michel,

Not an Altmill owner but I do have my 48x30 on spring loaded casters (cant get more unstable than that.) and the table likes to vibrate and even shock pretty visible during carves/lasers etchings.

I have found it not to matter at all, cause everything vibrates equaly badly, so the sender and reciever of the carve/laser etch, are stationairy relative to eachother.

There are retractable casters on the market you can consider if you worry about fibrations. Something like this maybe?


I used what @Spamming_Eddie used on my CNC machine and other benches with wooden legs. They do work well. But with that said, the AltMill has metal legs. I didn’t check how they were finished at the bottom, but I used this for the bottom of my surface planer, locked the 600# hunk of metal down well, both for spinning and rotation.
Hope that helps!

New here, first post. I’m on the waiting list and don’t expect my AltMill until March.

I plan to build an enclosure around the AltMill. Probably 4040 aluminum channel with a combination of MDF and acrylic panels.

I am putting the AltMill on wheels, but don’t ever expect to move it unless I absolutely have to. I would think that after going through the process of leveling the table and then surfacing the spoil board, the last thing one would want to do is move the unit from A to B and then back, hoping for the legs to settle in the exact same spot of floor.

Most garage slabs have a slope front to back for drainage, and at best most hand troweled slabs have a bunch of waves with high and low spots.

That being said, these are the casters I will be using. I can set the table level to a laser line with the adjustable feet and go from there. If I do have to move it in the future, I will just re-level the unit and resurface the spoil board.

I have had a lot of luck with these from Vevor. They have two sizes.

$48.99 for 4

$36 for 4

These are M12 and the Altmill has 10mm holes in the legs. You will need to drill out the holes to 12mm for the studs to fit, or buy 10mm-12mm threaded stud adapters.

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