Need help with firmware settings and g sender settings for altmill with a new Pmncnc spindle

I just received a PWNCNC spindle. I did not want to change my VFD apparently I reset all my firmware settings and my GSender settings. Nothing is working now. Any idea where my settings should be with a new spindle. Any information on settings for altmill with spindle would be appreciated. At a loss. I was told spindle should work with the altmill Sienci.

Hi Nbase,

I’m a bit confused by your post and have some questions.

Did you recieva a new spindle but you are using the same VFD you had when you heard a pop comming from the spindle?

What happenend that apparently reset all settings?

Can troubleshoot help here?

If nothing is working, would it not be a good idea to first get the basics up and running again before diving into solving spindle problem?

Sorry for the confusion. I am a bit frustrated lately with all the problems. I heard a pop when using the Sienci spindle and the VFD that came with it.
I since bought a PWNCNC 80mm spindle and thought that the spindle would work with the VFD from Sienci. The VFD shos but never did before hand. I tried using different power outlets and tried using the MODFVD port as researched on line with PWNCNC forum. Changed a bunch of setting and still nothing. I tried a reset now on the Firmware setting as well as the G sender settings and made some initial changes for the Altmill back to what I think where the original settings. Not showing 395 and their is no selection on a spindle. Wondering if the pop i heard fried the VFD and now i need a new one. It blinks continuously. Not sure where to go with all this. Very frustrating as i stated.

The VFD on the Altmill blinks continuously even during normal operation … very annoying but not an indication that something is wrong.

I think its time to open a ticket with sienci for this one.
Things that go pop are mostly no good. I hope you are within your waranty period.

Thanks for the reply only because I heard a large pop and then it started. That’s why I think something is wrong and there is no control of the new spindle. I put in a ticket with Sienci directly as well. They have not answered as of yet.

Nah, as long as the magic smoke doesn’t escape you are good :slight_smile:

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I suggest sending PWNCNC a ticket too, they will know a lot more on how to make their spindle work with the AltMill. Sienci does not provide complete support on 3rd party spindles as stated here Third-Party Spindles - AltMill CNC

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Ah yeah, the hidden soal of densly packed isolated conductor wire, balging out volcano ashes before tripping the circuit breaker, leaving you looking for a candle and a bloody lighter. The whisp of manurey smell escaping while a condesator coverts into an expanding nebula of happy dancing confetti. The utter delight when, for a brief moment, a led outshines a whole galaxy, before for ever colapsing behind its own event horizon, never to be seen again.

The electric pops can be stunning, indeed.

trust me… I’m still a bit shakey from my last one.

See if this helps >> Pwncnc Super Long Board connection & Firmwear

I also have a 2.2K water-cooled spindle from PwnCNC, but I also got their VFD. I’m very new to CNCs and having a super difficult time getting it to work. I started my assembly in early Dec and still don’t have it working. I keep running into issues that seem to take a VERY long time (days to weeks) to resolve.

I think you missed a calling to be a novel writer. Put my ‘magic smoke’ line to shame :frowning: