New AltMill Connects but won't jog-how to fix

I am having problems in the First Movements section of my AltMill assembly. Everything proceeded as normal in this section until trying to move the axes using the Jog Control. For every axis, I receive Error 2 Bad Number Format. There is no yellow light for any of the motor connections in the control box and the green light at the motor connection is ON for all 4 motors. Also I cannot turn the motor shaft by hand when the machine is connected. The status report is correct as shown in the assembly instructions after the error message. There are no instructional steps listed for what to do in this section if there is no jogging. Please reply if you can advise how to proceed.

A month ago someone had the same problem and got some usefull replies.
eventualy he solved the problem. Maybe that solution, or others presented in that thread may be useful to you?

Thanks to a prompt call from Dave at Sienci, my problem is resolved. The issue was that some how the General Settings value field for xy move, z move and speed were blank. After resetting to default values, all axes could be jogged.

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Which settings did you change and what values were they set to?