Just a quick question - how do we get the latest version of gSender? Will y’all be sending out update notices? Or is “Check for Updates” going to be an option? TIA
Same question,still using the first one.
You’ll get a notification email for the next build when it’s available and there will likely be a post on this forum.
Future builds past this one will have auto-update functionality so you’ll be alerted to new versions and be able to update in-app.
@KGN - Thank you for the info Kevin. I figured that was the case but wanted to make sure and get the latest fixes.
@Heyward43 if you didn’t see the second version of gSender came out as of last Friday
Thanks @chrismakesstuff - I downloaded it over the weekend. I am currently testing and found some issues that need to be addressed. I wanted to attach some pictures but the form doesn’t allow that. So I will be filing the form and posting on the forum with the pictures. Hope to have it done this evening or tomorrow.
Is there a “config” file for the Gsender? I uninstalled the first Gsender before installing the new version. But I swear that in the “Key Branding” some of the custom key strokes I defined are still there. Very odd, but sometimes so am I.
@rob Take a look in users appdata roaming. There is a folder called gsender, that I suspect may contain what you are looking for.
Yes that was it. When using the uninstall in control panel Windows 10 it did not remove that roaming profile. I deleted that whole folder and then restarted the computer and installed the latest version. That config file has all the key mapping in it as well as the jog speeds you store and much more. I was hoping that was the problem with the jogging error between the UI and the keyboard but no that was not it. I think all users should be made aware of this config folder not being overwritten when updating the program. Keep up the good work guys and gals. I am really looking forward to using this the full time.
Thought I’d mention over here the new guide videos on gSender I put together today