New to Gsender- Wont load on Raspberry Pi 4 2gb

Hi all! A while back I wrote to see if OrangePi might be supported with gSender. Since then I have purchased an rPI 4 and installed 1.4.1. It appears that the app installs and when I run the application, nothing appears to start, however there are several process that are running behind the scenes. I tried the 1.4.0 build as well with the same results.

Is anyone aware of a way that I can get gSender to load and function on the RPI?

I’m having the same issue, pi 4 2gb, newly imaged sd card with raspberry pi os (64-bit), package updates applied. fwiw, universal gcode sender works fine with this setup. Sorry I don’t have a solution, just adding my “me too”.


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Are you sure that you have the right version of gSender? I just tried the gSender page and when I choose raspberry pi it wanted to download ‘gSender-1.4.1-Linux-Intel-64Bit.deb’ which is not correct since the pi uses an ARM chip.

I always get my gSender right from gSender’s GitHub Release page. I would think you want ‘gSender-1.4.2-Linux-ARM-64Bit.AppImage’ or ‘gSender-1.4.2-Linux-ARM-64Bit.deb’.

I used the AppImage file as recommended.

The ARM appimage right? Not the Intel one. I was hoping that the wrong download was the problem because it was the only possible fix that I could think of. It’s good that UGS works at least. I used UGS until I switched to gSender.

Yes, the 64 bit arm image. And I set the execute permission. It would be great to hear from someone who is successfully using it.

I tried to see if I could get gSender to work on my Pi 4b but I couldn’t get it to work either. I tried both ARM builds, the deb and the appimage.

Maybe @KGN can help? This is the errors that I got when running gsender from a terminal.

[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[13322:0218/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
02:31:00.887 › Error: /tmp/.mount_gSendefsJtkr/resources/app/node_modules/@serialport/bindings-cpp/build/Release/bindings.node: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at process.func [as dlopen] (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:2131)
at Object. (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1356:18)
at Object.func [as .node] (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:2131)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1126:32)
at node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:967:12
at Function._load (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:13327)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1150:19)
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:110:18)
at load (/tmp/.mount_gSendefsJtkr/resources/app/node_modules/node-gyp-build/node-gyp-build.js:22:10)
at Object. (/tmp/.mount_gSendefsJtkr/resources/app/node_modules/@serialport/bindings-cpp/dist/load-bindings.js:11:46)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1271:14)
at Object…js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1326:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1126:32)
at node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:967:12
at Function._load (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:13327)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1150:19)
02:31:00.895 › Returned - http://undefined:undefined
02:31:00.897 › Unable to start the server at http://undefined:undefined
[13341:0218/] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.KGZBOg failed: No such file or directory (2)
[13341:0218/] Unable to access(W_OK|X_OK) /dev/shm: No such file or directory (2)
[13341:0218/] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try ‘sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm’ to fix.

And here is the same in a text file if that’s easier to read.
gSenderError.txt (3.6 KB)

If you need more info Kevin just let me know what you need and I’ll try to get it for you.

When I tried running it in a terminal, initially I got no output. I found there was a missing libfuse2. After installing that I got the same result you did.

I have been using gsender ( I think version 1.7? I forgot. Loaded it about a year ago …the version right before the one that seemed to have all the bugs…I will try to check when I am back at the garage in a few days) on a ras pi 4 and it loaded and works fine. As I remember I just did it with the ap image. I am not good at all with Linux or pi (this is the only thing I do on a pi) but I remember it being pretty easy ( I had previously had trouble trying to get Universal Gcode sender and another Cnc program on a pi). I seem to remember the gsender version I use is suggested to use Bullseye 32 bit (not the newer 64). I think I have a thread post in the Facebook page or somewhere where sience staff gave help. I am happy to look more in when I get to my pi in my garage. Also, in a few days I am going to post a pi question about how to run 2 different versions of gsender on 1 pi so you can use on 2 different Cnc machines.

Edit my previous post…if you look at the gsender Facebook group, my post on May 1. 2023 was answered my Chris Throrog of Seince and he said 32 bit “Buster” was the pi OS to use and I did that on my pi4.

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Did you ever get gSender to work on a Pi? I checked my notes and I was successful using the 32-bit older “Buster” release of the Raspberry Pi OS, along with the associated 32-bit .deb file.

My primary gSender machine is not the Pi, but it did work.

Based on the installation documentation, I don’t think Sienci has prioritized gSender updates beyond Buster at this time. Installation - gSender Docs


Hi all, there’s been quite a whirlwind recently between the switchover of Pi Foundation to 64-bit several months back plus now Electron (the app builder we use for gSender) now also dropping support of any 32-bit based systems. As of 1.4.4 we’ve made sure to put out a Pi build which you’ll find labelled as “Pi” in the name and should work on 64-bit Bullseye

Unfortunately it looks like we won’t be able to continue to support 32-bit past the 1.2.2 build since otherwise we’ll have to force an older Electron build which then loses compatibility with some of the other libraries we depend on. If anyone wants to give a shot to any of this new info let me know and me or @KGN will do our best to answer any remaining questions. The documentation will be updated shortly as well