New to Tool Change, What's Missing?

Iā€™ve just got a bitsetter and manually Z0. Using Fixed Tool Sensor with correct coordinates.

It gets to a tool change, opens up the wizard:

and hangs hereā€¦ ā€œRun Gcodeā€ is greyed out, and the following items beneath it arenā€™t accessible either soā€¦ Iā€™m not quite sure how to test/troubleshoot this.

What piece am I missing?

edit: Machine Shapeoko Pro 5, VFD, running gSender 1.2.2

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What is this from? Iā€™m not familiar with it.

@LordofCandy Welcome to the group, Andy.

I donā€™t have your machine, nor a tool sensor. Have you followed all the instructions set out here

If so, the Sienci gSender team monitors this category and Iā€™m sure that someone will be able to help you when they re-open later this week.

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@gwilki Yessir, I was under the impression from trying to read from the earlier posts (BitSetter and other tool length sensors supported in gSender - #5 by NeilFerreri) when a bit setter was being set by Macros that this newer build of gSender could obviate that need by using the fixed tool, but the page Additional Features - gSender Docs doesnā€™t go deep with it, nor say if anything else needs to be setup, or how to validate it. So when I set it up per the basic instructions and get a tool change popup (tool paths generated from Vectric & @NeilFerreri 's post processing multi-tool script I get a hung tool change.

Other odd info is if you cancel it (the wizard), and then stop your job (because you canā€™t do anything), you are truly hung in gSender as the screen shows that it still thinks its running (ā€œRunningā€) but nothing else can be done. So you have to quit and restart, reconnect, and reinit everything.

Hopefully Iā€™m just missing a key piece of information and a dev or someone who has this working can chime in on for I know not how to proceed.

sidenote: I did get Edge setup as well and it still has the same behavior.

@LordofCandy Understood. Yours is the 4 x 4 machine, correct?

Yessir. It is the 4x4 machine.

Are you getting a soft limits error in the console like I am?

See my post here: gSender 1.2.2 Triggers Soft Limits During Fixed Tool Sensor Change

No, I read your issue and weā€™re a bit divergent and Iā€™m not sure why. It intercepts the tool change code the wizard pops and Iā€™m stuck right at the gate. I also donā€™t have soft limits on by default. I thought if I get comfortable with gender Iā€™ll institute some changes but Iā€™m just trying to find parity at the moment.

Did you have anything else setup to have the dialog progress?

Been holding out to go back to what Neil setup hoping to see a dev poke their head in and tell me what i did wrong or what to test for validation. Guess Iā€™ll start working toward Neilā€™s macros and a pause for instruction at tool change for now. New wizard looks cool.

Well canā€™t fault me for tryingā€¦ but I canā€™t get this to work properly no matter what I do. I went back to @NeilFerreri 's macroā€™s and got the positional data and loaded that in.

  • Home
  • Initialize Bitsetter Macro
  • Drives to correct area
  • Test, tap, final testā€¦
    Stall. Nothing.
 G4 P0.5
 G53 G0 Z-20
 G53 X-1.5 Y-1217.34
 G4 P0.5
 G53 Z-75
 G38.2 Z-100 F200
 G0 z2
 G38.2 z-5 F40
 G4 P.25
 G38.4 z10 F20
 G4 P.25
 G38.2 z-2 F10
 G4 P.25
 G38.4 z10 F5
 G4 P.25
 G4 P0.5
 (TOOL_REFERENCE = -90.65)

gSender client thinks its still responsive but it isnā€™t. Feeder wonā€™t take input, wonā€™t give back okā€™s, itā€™s just taking everything and punting into null for all I know. Only way to get back is a full disconnect/reconnect/home. Also checked Edge just to verify and same behavior.

So Iā€™m hamstrung on tool changes of any sort at the moment. If Iā€™m missing something itā€™s gonna be dumb and obvious, or Iā€™m an edge case and I hate being the edge case.

gSender looks lovely and Iā€™d love to use it as a driver, but I need the bitsetter to be operable in one fashion or another.

Thoughts and consolations welcome. hehe!

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@LordofCandy Sorry for missing all this. I think I saw a discord message from you right before I fell asleep one day and then forgot about it all.
First questionā€¦ Do you have a SO5?

Edit: I now see that you do.
Try removing the comments that display in parentheses.
I have no idea why they did it, but C3D uses an ESP-32-S2 for USB communication. As far as we can tell, thereā€™s some bug in their firmware that canā€™t handle those comments going through.

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This was it! Comments. Wow, such an innocuous idea but it causes the SOP5ā€™s a great deal of issue.

There are comments in the tool change code :

Thanks to gibs for pointing it out : GSender, any special steps to use? - #29 by Gibs - Unsupported - Carbide 3D Community Site

and maybe we can get comments stripped out of machine sent info : Feature Request: Suppress gcode comments in gcode sent to machines. Ā· Issue #444 Ā· Sienci-Labs/gsender Ā· GitHub

Did my first toolchange test and Neilā€™s code (sans comment) worked great. Now I can really get into gsender.

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Weā€™ll take a look at stripping them out. Unfortunate bug for sure.