Newbie Jog Shuttle greyed out

Board BSMCE04U reflashed for GRBLHAL using instructions on grblHAL running on the 4 axis BSMCE04U-PP – Jim's Embeddedtronics

UGCS recognises the board starts with Alarm() (Invalid Alarm code no matching description) cannot find how to clear the code, click to unlock machine does nothing. Jog shuttle section greyed out.

Any ideas?

@Daveypoos Welcome to the group.

What CNC machine are you running?

You have posted in the gSender category. However, your post would seem to show that you are not using gSender. Can you confirm that is the case. I will then move your topic to the appropriate category.

I am using universal G coder sender
I have a USB board BSMCE04U flashed to run GRBLHAL the board then is connected to 4 MD430-VI driver boards these are connected to NEMA stepper motors…

If I run it with the plain GRBLsetting I get Alarm (Homing), so I cllick the button to run homing, briefly I see a message saying homing then it returns to the alarm.

Jog shuttle buttons do nothing.

Eventually I will attach everything to a generic chinese 3040 machine

Another BSMCE04U with the original (Mach3) firmware wired the same works OK with Drufel software.

@Daveypoos Since you are not running gSender and you do not have a Sienci CNC machine, it’s not clear to me why you posted on this forum. That said, maybe someone will be able to help you, nonetheless.

I am moving this from the gSender category since gSender is not involved with your issue. I will move it to machine help.

I suggest, though, that your best bet may be to post on the site that deals with your control l board.